Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's about time. Seriously.

Yeah, I know. I start a blog about my adventures in weight loss, then I don't post anything.

Well, because honestly I've been on and off the darn weight loss thing, and that's not much fun to admit. When on, yay me. When off, boo me. It's always about me. For the weight issues anyway.

So, after much pondering and few symbolic slaps in the face, I have decided it's not about me, really. It's about my view of my world, including my food.

Now, now, don't think I'm going all esoteric on you. Not at all. It's just that eating has become so automatic for me that I have forgotten the real reason food is, well, food. It is here to nourish us, to give us energy, to provide us with vitamins and other good stuff. And, add to that, our place in this world would be a very boring place, if we couldn't enjoy food.

So, my new improved (I hope) ultra brite strategy - know your food and eat it too.

Whatever that means. See, I'm not even sure. But it sounds like a darn good strategy and, since I came up with it myself, I think it's a doable thing. <<< amazing how gullible I am even to myself. Go figure.

Ok, so, I need to know my food and then eat it. Not the other way around. Ok. Check.

And water. It's amazing how hard it is to increase your intake of water when you're not used to it. I have and let me tell you, the bathroom is my friend. 'Nuff said.

Soooooo, know thy food, eat said thy food and water up. Cheers!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well, isn't this embarrassing!

Putting up my weight struggles out there, for the whole world to read about!
I have no dignity left.

But wish me luck. Trying to slowly bring my weight down.

I hate diets. I hate thinking about diets.

But I love knowing where food came from and what it's going to do to me. So focusing on this and trying to become an enlightened food connoisseur.

Pffft! Who am I kidding! I have to downsize portions, exercise more and adopt a new way of relating to food.

Sounds fun. Right? Right?.......*crickets*

Hmmm, maybe I should work on downsizing my sarcasm level too.....naahhh! One thing at a time.

Step 1: Admit when you need to do something. Done.

Step 2: On my mark, I'm ready, go.
